ametunivAMET Student Magazine


"The Navigator", AMET student magazine highlights the potential, knowledge and creativity of Ametians. It displays the contributions of AMET cadets and students of all the disciplines for your view and amazement. It is a quarterly publication and exclusively done by the students. It comprises of a separate student members committee/ Editorial board and faculty who perform the role of advisors as follows:

Editorial Board
Cadet Alen Joshy, II BSc (NS)
Cadet Aditya Sankar Saha, II BSc (NS)
Cadet Koustabh Kumar Choudhary, II BE (ME)
Cadet Dikshan Anto, II BSc (NS)
Zuben Kalyan, II EEE
S. Sherin Sweety, II PE
Lavanya Yedida, II NAOE
S. Easwar, II Mining
Umayal Lakshman, B.Com
Amod Thakre III Mech
Praveen D II MBA

Editorial Advisors
Dr. M. Subha, Director, Centre for Internal Publications
Dr. Selvakumar Dharmaraj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Marine Biotechnology
Dr. Prasob Asoka, Assistant Professor, NAOE
Mrs. Rajashree, Assistant Professor, EEE
Mr. Balakumaran, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg.
Mr. Gurubrahmam, Assistant Professor, Mining Engg.
Dr. Helen, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
Dr. S. Catherine Rex, Assistant Professor. Business School

Dr. M. Subha, Director, Centre for Internal Publications

S.No Name of the Magazine Issues / Volumes


The Navigator

Issue 1, Vol. 1


AMET Vidhyarthi Patrika

Issue 11


AMET Vidhyarthi Patrika

Issue 10


AMET Vidhyarthi Patrika

Issue 09


AMET Vidhyarthi Patrika

Issue 08