Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET) declared as deemed to be University (under section 3 of UGC Act 1956) promotes academic research leading to Ph.D., in 15 academic disciplines. AMET appointed full time Faculty with Ph.D., qualifications to guide Ph.D., scholars as per the Guidelines of UGC Ph.D., regulations 2023. AMET has more than 50 sophisticated laboratories, two exclusive research centers and seven specialized research laboratories with more than 124 major equipments to facilitate academic research. University has introduced Ph.D. programmes in all academic disciplines by following the guidelines of UGC (2016 Regulations and its amendments 2022). Presently a total of 262 Ph.D. research scholars are doing their research in identified emerging areas of maritime studies and allied disciplines. University has so far awarded 168 doctorate degrees. University has promoted the concept of inter-disciplinary approach in research. Being a de-novo University, AMET has made sincere efforts to enhance the intellectual capital and establish a knowledge hub by conducting both academic and sponsored research.
Admission to Ph.D., programme is based on the availability of vacancy in the respective Departments which will be notified widely. Normally in every quarter of the year, applications will be invited. Eligible candidate will be selected based on entrance examinations and interview as per AMET Ph.D., regulations 2023.
Centre for Research
The administrative aspects of the Ph.D., research programme at AMET are facilitated by the Centre for Research headed by the Director Research. The Centre provides end to end assistance for the Ph.D., scholars in every stage of their Ph.D., research programme. The Centre frequently organizes workshops, guest lectures and sensitization programmes for the promotion of academic research, technical writing, academic integrity, plagiarism issues, research methodology, statistical methods etc.
The Dean (Research)
Centre for Research
Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET) deemed to be University
135, East Coast Road, Kanathur, Chennai-603112
Tel: Tel : 3257 7030 / 3257 7002; Extn: 109
E.mail: phd@ametuniv.ac.in
Ph.D., Processes

Emerging Thrust Areas of Research at AMET
- Cross cultural management in ships
- Maritime Education
- Ship Design
- Design of Ballast free ship
- CFD analysis of bilge keel
- Underwater AUV
- Biomimetic propulsion technology
- Underwater gliders
- Maritime Security
- Vessel Traffic Management
- Coastal / Marine Management
- Marine Navigation
- Cargo Handling
- Inland Water Studies
- Maritime Policies
- Shipping & Logistics Management
- Maritime Law
- EXIM Studies
- Marine Insurance
- Maritime Fleet Operations
- Oil & Gas Management
- Wave Energy
- Marine Human Resource Management
- Offshore Wind Energy
- Port Safety and Waste Management
- Coastal Hazards
- Disaster Mitigation
- Oil Pollution and Oil Sleek
- Marine Pollution
- Marine bio prospecting
- Marine pharmacology
- Sea weed bio products
- Sea food microbiology
- Climate Change
- Ocean Acidification
- Invasive Species
- Bio fouling and bio corrosion
- Estuarine Studies
- Marine Ecology
- Maritime Boundaries
- Maritime Terrorism and Piracy
- Deep Sea Mining
- Marine Health and Environment
Innovative areas of doctoral research where PhD degree awarded by AMET
AMET has so far awarded 168 Ph.D., degrees in maritime and allied fields. Being the first University to offer Ph.D., programme to the maritime professionals and research aspirants, AMET has promoted innovative Ph.D., research in emerging areas of maritime studies and few are listed below:
- Services Marketing of a Green field Port with Special Reference to Kattupalli Port in Chennai Region (Mr. Sharma Suraj Bhan - 2016)
- An Assessment on BOG treatment equipment onboard LNG carriers-A Corporate study for LNG Shipping Business (S. Kamalakannan- 2015)
- Economics of self unloader onboard bulk carrier in thermal coal shipping business (S. Dasaratharam -2015)
- A Study on the occupational stress of Indian Mariners on Merchant ships(J. Rengamani – 2015)
- Analysis of Imaging & Communication System for Modern Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (R. Sathish Kumar - 2015)
- Facilitating Intelligible Pronunciation as a key to Better English Communication for Deck Officers on Board-An ESL Experimental Study (P. Suresh - 2015)
- Hydrodynamic Investigations on Nearshore Morphological Changes Due to Construction of Breakwaters through Case Studies (Mrs.D.K.Baby Girija – 2015)
- An Interpretation of Coaxial and Non- Coaxial Components of Shear Strength of Marine Soils ( A Multi disciplinary Approach to Complex Soil Problems) (MrJ.Rajaraman - 2015)
- Engineering Assessment of Environmental Parameters for the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust,Navi Mumbai, India (Mrs.Yogeshwari - 2015)
- Development and Application of Microbial Consortium for the Sustainable Management of Shirmp Aquaculture (Mr. R. Karthik – 2016)
- Development of Coastal Shipping in India with Special Reference to Container Trade (Ms. T. K. Asha - 2016)
- Ultrasonic and Spectral studies on some dyes and their metal complexes-their role in Marine Application (Mr. M. Jayandran - 2012)
- Ultrasonic studies on Marine Oils- A study on Binary Mixture System (Mr. S. Ekambaram-2014)
- Study of inhibitors of general corrosion and corrosion material handling in the construction of Ship (Mr. B. Anand - 2012)
- Diversity of marine Actinomycetes in the rhizosphere of coastal sand dunes and their biotechnological application (Ms. S. Sangeetha - 2013)
- Application of E-learning in maritime education and training (MET) (Mr. Swapan Das Sarma - 2013)
- Integrated offshore power station for harnessing alternate source of energy (Mr. K. N. G. Reddy - 2014)
- Redesigning maritime education and training to suit the changing global shipping scenario (Capt. S. Nathan - 2014)
- Investigation on fuel saving techniques for propulsion of ocean going vessels (Cdr. A. S. Perumal - 2014)
- Electrochemical and ultrasonic studies on certain marine chemicals (C. Kamalakumar - 2014)